
Ein Auto ist zum fahren da.

2006: Polarkreisfahrt

In Kürze:

2007: Bis ans Ende der Welt

2 Antworten zu Voyages

  1. Lyubomir schreibt:

    I really liked your reports in the Bob is the oil guy forum!
    I love Saab as well and I adore cars.
    Could please share your experience with engine oils?
    Would be really nice!

    • turboseize schreibt:

      Hi Lyubomir,
      I have several artivcles on my blog regarding engine oil choice and oil change intervals. If I had to boil it down into one short paragraph it would be:
      for any legacy Saab engine (including the Opel-v6…) use any modern(ish engine oil with HTHS >3.5, i.e. ACEA A3/B4 or C3 and you should be fine. If the oil bears at least one following approvals MB 229.3, 229.31, 229.5. 229.51, VW 504.00, even better. Base your oil change interval on 10.000km71 year (whichever comes first) and adjust depending on operating conditions conditions: short trips, bad fuel quality, lots of full-throttle-driving, i.e sustained high speed or towing reduce by 5000km, optimal operating conditions you can go longer. If in doubt, draw a sample and have a lab do a used oil analysis. But DO NOT extend oil change intervals with b205/B235 engines…

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